Junio 2, 2019 MaranonEx

¿Cuándo es el mejor momento para navegar el río Marañón?

¡Nos han hecho MUCHO esta pregunta! Y no es particularmente fácil de responder, esto se debe a que el Marañón es un río muy largo con secciones de dificultad variada. así como tiene grandes variaciones en los niveles de agua entre las estaciones húmedas y secas.

Entonces. ¿Cuál es la mejor temporada para hacer canotaje y kayak en el río Marañón - Gran Cañón de Sudamérica? ¿Cuándo obtienes los mejores niveles de agua en el Marañón?
Bueno, eso dependerá de lo que estás buscando...

Water Levels Measured at the Balsas Station, From Página Web del SENAMHI. We generally measure all our levels using the guage at Balsas. 100-200cms is what we’d regard as the ‘normal’ low water level for rafting the river, though it can be run much higher….

May – November: Dream water levels, and perfect weather.

El mejor momento para hacer canotaje en las aguas bravas del río Marañón es entre fines de mayo y principios de noviembre. Esto es cuando los niveles son predecibles y el clima es perfecto. Esto es lo que llamamos la temporada seca en el valle del Marañón.

Levels are reliably between 100cms and 200cms (Balsas Gauge). Rapids are fun and at their normal difficulty rating (if the map notes a class III or a class IV, you can generally expect a class III or a class IV rapid coming up). Character is drop pool with some rocks and holes as obstacles.

Usually by late June the river is running clear, bringing out her beautiful deep Jade Green colour.

You will have sunny days almost every day and warm temperatures both day and night, with very low chance of rain.
Es un nivel de agua increíblemente confiable, con un clima soñado. No te puedes equivocar en la estación seca.

Para más información de temperaturas en el río, mire aquí.

Con un nivel bajo, el Marañón fluye con un color verde jade haciendo un impresionante viaje por el río.

What about the Shoulder Season? Can we run the river in the wet season?

Hemos realizado algunos de nuestros viajes más memorables y encantadores en la temporada de transición.

Mediados de Abril a Mayo:

Expect higher water levels, with likely fluctuations while you are on the river. The Marañón will probably be running brown and probably somewhere between 200-600cms.
Many smaller rapids wash out, and big rapids can get bigger. Character is big water with some huge waves and huge holes. Still pools begin to flow a lot faster, different camp options are available compared to low-water season.
It is much more likely you will get some days of rain, as this is still considered the wet season. Storms are possible.
No recomendamos correr las secciones altas del Marañón en esta temporada.

Late October – January:

Esto puede ser el final de la temporada seca o el comienzo de la temporada de lluvias. Es una apuesta muy incierta.
You might get the river at a low level – around 100 CMS, or you could find the river at at what we’d consider a very high level, and this may change throughout your trip.  It’s possible to get some days of rain, and the weather is not predictable like in the dry season. It is southern hemisphere summer and the temperature is generally warm and humid. There is possibility of thunderstorms which bring strong winds and rain without much warning.

We don’t recommend running the Upper sections of the Marañón in this period, but the lower half of the river can still be run by groups who plan accordingly in terms of equipment and group experience.

If very high-water occurs, you may need wait a day or two until rising waters pass. Don’t worry though, the faster flows mean you can make up time and probably still stay on schedule to make it out of the canyon on time.

February – April

It’s very possible the river will be too high to run, and may take several days or weeks for high-water to retreat to a runnable level. It may possible to run the river through this period, but that is for experts only.

¡Correr el Marañón con nivel de agua alto puede ser MUY divertido!

Programándose para las secciones altas del cañón del Marañón

For a full descent of the River (usually 24-28 days), you need to pass through the crux known as Wasson’s Landslide and several other challenging class IV-V rapids in the ‘inner canyon”, upstream (south) of Chagual. These crux rapids involves lining rafts and running some challenging sections which become un-portageable.

Para pasar por Wasson´s Landslide recomendamos un nivel inferior a 300 m3/s (Estación Balsas)

The earliest we’d recommend scheduling to pass Wasson’s is the beginning of June. This means you could plan to start your full river trip around the 20th of May to arrive there by the end of the month, but the weather is unpredictable.

The Latest we’d recommend aiming to pass Wasson’s is in November,. However some years the river might not come up until late December or January, meaning you could potentially do a full descent over christmas- if you’re lucky. This time of year (late October onwards) can be unpredictable and the river can come up quickly meaning you might decide to change plans and put-in lower down, such as at Chagual, or re-schedule the trip based on weather patterns close to the date.

Alineando una balsa en Wasson´s Landslide
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Marañón Experience are the experts in travel down the Marañón River. We love this place and look forward to sharing it with you!
