06 Ago 2019 ¿Qué hay de cerveza, vino y licores? On public group trips, you are welcome to bring your own alcohol, this can be purchased before you trip in… Benjamin Webb
21 Jul 2019 ¿Cuándo es el mejor momento para navegar el río Marañón? The best time to raft the Marañon River is between June and November. This is what we'd consider the dry… Benjamin Webb
01 Jun 2019 ¿Puedo traer mi propia cerveza, vino o licores? Yes! Most trips will include a small selection of drinks to highlight Peruvian specialties.You are also welcome to purchase your… Benjamin Webb
29 May 2019 Clima antes, después del viaje y en viaje de extensión Trips starting in Cajamarca and Huaraz: Cajamarca and Huaraz are cities high in the Andes mountains. It is generally warm… Benjamin Webb
29 May 2019 Contact on the river? While we are on the river there is very limited cell signal. We encourage guests to leave their devices in… Benjamin Webb
29 May 2019 ¿Qué debo hacer con mis medicamentos para el viaje? If you take any prescription drugs or other medications, be certain to bring a large enough supply to last through… Benjamin Webb
29 May 2019 ¿Puedo tomar el agua en Perú? While in transit before and after the trip, we recommend drinking bottled water or purchasing a suitable filter or UV… Benjamin Webb
29 May 2019 ¿Qué vacunas se recomiendan para ingresar al Perú? Check with your own travel doctor for expert advice to confirm what you require. It is a good idea to… Benjamin Webb
29 May 2019 ¿La malaria es un problema en esta región? There is a very low potential for malaria in these sections of the Marañón canyon. We rarely see mosquitoes while… MaranonEx
13 Ago 2018 ¿Qué pasa con las cosas que no quiero llevar al río? Any excess baggage that you would prefer not to take on the river will be transported to meet you at… Benjamin Webb